How to award your favorite agriculturalist!

To Nominate:
Click Nominate Now button relative to award you are nominating for
Please provide the name, contact information, and a brief paragraph about the nominee and their work relative to the award
If possible please provide 4-5 photos showcasing nominee's work

This award is given to highlight longstanding service to Arizona agriculture.
Be an individual or couple involved in agriculture
Must have contributed significantly to Arizona's agriculture industry
Does not have to be a Farm Bureau member
The nominee must have been nominated by the county Farm Bureau in the last five years
Seated elected officials are not eligible

This award highlights longstanding service to agriculture and significant contributions to their county or Arizona Farm Bureaus.
Be an individual or family involved in agriculture
Nominee must first have been recognized by their county Farm Bureau within the last five years
Must have contributed significantly to their county or state Farm Bureaus
Must be a Farm Bureau member
Seated elected officials are not eligible

This award highlights the importance of persons who produce the food and fiber around which the agricultural industry revolves.
Be an individual or couple involved in agriculture
Nominee must first have been recognized by their county Farm Bureau within the last five years
Must have contributed significantly to an issue impacting Arizona agriculture
Must be a Farm Bureau member

This award highlights the achievements of farmers, ranchers, rural businesses and universities in the areas of environmental stewardship.
Be a farmer/rancher/business/university with outstanding achievements in agricultural environmental stewardship
Nominee must first have been recognized by their county Farm Bureau within the last five years
Does not have to be a Farm Bureau member

This award highlights the dedication of accurate and informative agriculture stories on traditional and social media platforms.
Print, radio, or television newsperson in mainstream media; OR an individual or business who uses their social media platform to share about agriculture
Does not have to be a Farm Bureau member
For this nomination please also submit screenshots or links of their work as well as a letter of recommendation by a representative of the agriculture community who has worked with them in a media capacity

Each year Maricopa County presents an award for a farmer, rancher, teacher, or program that educates the public on agriculture.
Can be a farm or ranch that does field trips, festivals or other outreach programs, educators, FFA, or 4-H groups that work with students in educating them about different aspects of agriculture
Does not have to be a Farm Bureau member​